Oregano is one of the most beneficial herbs you can have in your kitchen cabinet.  This herb is loaded with free-radical-crushing antioxidants. Common health issues research has shown that oregano to have had positive results in treating range from Boosting the Immune System, Digestive Support, Blemish Support, Allergy Support and more...

Let's look at each area Oregano can benefit:

  • Immune System - Oregano is a powerful tool for the immune system.It has such a strong action against germs that it could easily defeat Salmonella.

  • Protection against harmful organisms - If you’ve consumed impure water, harmful organisms are likely to reside inside of your body.  Oregano is extremely useful for getting rid of these unwanted organisms. Taking 600 mg of oregano oil daily can prompt harmful organisms to disappear from stools.

  • Promotes Intestinal Balance - Maintaining a proper balance of healthy bacteria in your intestines and gut is crucial for supporting good health.  Healthy intestinal flora encourages proper digestion and boosts the immune system.

  • Acts a Powerful Antioxidant - The antioxidants in Oregano are the reason why it has been shown to help so many different aspects of health, including heart health, nervous system health, and systemic redness and swelling throughout the body.

  • Encourages Normal Yeast Balance - Yeast and fungus exist everywhere, even on and in the human body; total eradication is next to impossible. Balance, however, is both desirable and achievable with one of the powerful antioxidants in Oregano. It's a very effective in addressing and reducing fungus.

  • May improve the way you feel when combating a cold - Oregano tea isn't a cure for the cold, but it can help you feel better. It may reduce the discomfort of your symptoms. Oregano tea can help promote easy breathing, calm a cough, and soothe a sore throat, especially when used in combination with other essential oils like eucalyptus, rosemary, and mint.

  • Calms Blemishes - Oregano tea helps soothe the area around blemishes including lip blemishes and accelerate healing time. Oregano tea is applied topically to inflamed blemishes.

  • Allergy Support - Oregano tea applied topically  can produce a soothing effect on redness and swelling associated with allergies, which ultimately encourages relief.

  • Ease Aches and Pains - Topical application of oregano tea has shown it has analgesic or pain-relieving properties. Add one drop of oregano tea to either olive oil or coconut oil and apply it to the affected area.

Here is a recipe for Oregano tea:

2 cups boiling water

1 Tbsp Oregano

Steep for 5-10 minutes before serving. 

If you are making the tea to drink you can add 1 tsp of orange juice for flavor.

If you are making the tea to be used topically put in an airtight container and refrigerate. Make sure to always add the tea to either olive oil or coconut oil before applying.