If you are looking for the :ingredients to mix for all your cleaning needs, these are the ingredients you want to pull out of the kitchen cabinet:

15 oz. of Vodka (the cheapest brand you can find.)

15 oz. of water

2 oz. of natural soap concentrate (I like Mrs Meyers cleaning concentrate.)

1 Tsp of Epsom Salt

Five drops of essential oils or lemon juice.

Place all the ingredients in a spray bottle, shake, allow to sit for about 10 minutes, shake again and use. 

I like utilizing lavender oil or lemon juice, with lavender scent epsom salt and lavender scent natural soap concentrate.

There are many different essential oils you can utilize, and many of them are effective in fighting bacteria’s.

Essential Oils which eliminate germs are Lavender, Lemongrass, eucalyptus, peppermint and orange.