Isn't it interesting that God provides us with the things we need. There are many cures which are provided, Some of those treatments have been discovered and some have not. Many times our body has many self healing properties, we just have to trust God with. 

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Homemade Saline solution for Neti Pots

Posted by Diana Barraugh on Saturday, February 11, 2023, In : Natural Treatments 

I have always had problems with my sinuses and allergies. When I was in my early 30’s I had to go through Laser Sinus Surgery. My doctor gave me the recipe for making a saline solution to flush my sinuses each and every day, which I and my children still use on many occassions.

I do not have a netty pot but I use a bulb syringe which we as mothers have all used at some point to clean out those snotty noses of our babies.

(One just like this)

For this recipe you DO NOT WANT TO USE TAP WATER, US...

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Kitchen Cabinet Cough Syrup

Posted by Diana Barraugh on Saturday, February 11, 2023, In : Natural Treatments 

Have you ever found yourself with that nagging cough that you just can’t kick. Nyquil isn’t stopping the cough enough for you to get that good night’s sleep. Maybe you just don’t feel like going to the store to buy yourself any cough medicine or you prefer to use natural treatments. I have used this cough treatment several times, including last night.

Most people have all of these ingredients in their kitchen cabinet for cooking, if not you may want to pick them up. They won’t go to ...

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Oregano tea and it's health benefits:

Posted by Diana S. Barraugh on Saturday, October 12, 2019, In : Natural Treatments 

Oregano is one of the most beneficial herbs you can have in your kitchen cabinet.  This herb is loaded with free-radical-crushing antioxidants. Common health issues research has shown that oregano to have had positive results in treating range from Boosting the Immune System, Digestive Support, Blemish Support, Allergy Support and more...

Let's look at each area Oregano can benefit:

  • Immune System - Oregano is a powerful tool for the immune system.It has such a strong action against germs that i...

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Naturally treat a cold sore:

Posted by Diana S. Barraugh on Tuesday, October 8, 2019, In : Natural Treatments 
I once picked up a small booklet of Amish cures. The treatment for a cold sore stood out to me, but took me many years before I was desperate enough to try it. When I finally was desperate enough to try it, I regretted not trying it sooner.

So here it is - - You know you get how you get an annoying itch over your lip before you get the cold sore. Well when this happens, take a little ear wax from your ear and apply it to the irritated area and the cold sore never comes. Do you already have a c...

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