Devotionals are made to inspire your day and draw you closer to God. We need to remember God is love. If you read 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter, replacing the word "love" with the name "Jesus" you come to the realization that Jesus is love. We are to demonstrate the love of Christ through our actions. 

I have a playful spirit and love to laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. Have you ever wondered WHY?

Our bodies consist natural chemical in the body that fight pain.These endorphins can also make people happy.They are released when a person gets hurt, during exercise, laughter or sex. They can also be released by speaking in tongues.

I once took a course on divine healing, and one of the principles for divine healing is laughter and speaking in tongues. Both laughter and speaking in tongues increase the secretion of Endorphins, which speed up the process of healing.

Many of these devotionals may lean towards the humorous side to lighten the spirit, bring joy and promote healing and happiness.

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We could all learn something from this beautiful example of friendship!


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