I am always losing things; my glasses, my cell phone and my keys would have to be at the top of my list. 

I can't tell you how many times I have went looking for my glasses, to find them hanging on my collar, where I often like to put them. Or even better to put them on top of my head just so one of my family members can point them out to me when I am frantically looking for them.

My cell phone and keys have to be on the very top of my list. My daughter has even purchased a device for me which goes on my key ring and I had to download an app on my cell phone so they can work together. The device has a button I press and it puts off an alarm on my cell phone so I can search for the sound. As for if I lose my keys, I go to the app and set off the alarm on the device so I can follow the sound to find my keys. It is helpful, unless you lose your keys and cell phone at the same time.

I just read a story about a lady talking to her friend on her cell phone about all the things she had to accomplish in the day and how she felt overwhelmed. 

As she reached her destination, she got out of the car while still talking to her friend.  Suddenly she remembered she needed her cell phone because she was expecting a call from her son, telling her where to pick him up. She tells her friend, "Oh my gosh, I can't find my cell phone." Her friend, which has been feeding off her anxieties, began making suggestions, "Look under your seat," "check your purse". As she checked each place, she became more frantic and she screamed out to God, "Lord help me find my phone." A passerby overheard her plea and told her, "Hey lady, you're talking on it."

I have to admit I am guilty. I have been in this similar situation. How often do we feel disconnected and miss that which is right in front of us?

The same is true with God. We run around like a chicken with its head cut off, feeling overwhelmed and miss the answer. God is right there beside us, every step of the way. We overlook taking time to work on that relationship because there is so much on our plate.

Just like the woman in the story sharing her frustrations with her friend, God is our friend too which is there for us to vent our frustrations too, and make suggestions of where to look. You can yell at him or whisper your secrets to, and he often surprises you with a response, like telling you it's right there in front of you, or I'm right here.

Revelation 3:20 -- Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

Matthew 6:31-34 -- So, do not have trouble in your mind about these things. Do not always say, “What will we drink?”, or “What will we drink?”, or “What will we wear?” People who do not know God are always thinking about these things. But as for you, your Father in heaven knows that you need them. Instead, always think about the things that are important in the kingdom of heaven. Always do what God shows you is right. Then he will also give you the things that you need each day. So do not have trouble in your mind about what might happen tomorrow. Tomorrow will have its own problems. It is enough for you to be thinking each day about the problems of that day.’