There is a lot of confusion at this current time with illness and the isolation we have been forced into. The places we normally would go to such as the movie theaters, bowling alleys, etc. are all closed. How are we to take time to enjoy ourselves?

I work in a memory care unit. On many occasions  we have musicians come in and play for the residents. Kids come in from schools and join the residents for activities I have planned for them as a group. Our situation at this time is much different, when we are keeping group numbers very low, and individuals spaced. Group exercise is out, social gatherings are small. 

Yesterday was National Fly Your Kite day. I did my best to take advantage of the day. We began with an origami kite craft. With the lovely weather in the afternoon we went outside. I brought in my foil kite and tried my luck. Unfortunately the wind was very still. I jokingly told the residents, “1 - 2 - 3 BLOW.” They chuckled. One of the residents then followed with, “Run with it”. I took it as a challenge and ran dragging the kite behind me. The kite flew for a second three of the times I ran around the courtyard.  We had a lot of laughs.

With thinking of the day and this story wondering where I was going with this story, God told me to take a break and fly my kite. The wind is blowing nicely. So I was obedient and did as I was told. I knew there has to be a lesson there and I prayed to God, “Share with me what is your will. Let me be your vessel Lord.”

I walked to the park with my kite. I wouldn’t say it was a gentle breeze, it was a little windy, which picked up while I was walking there. I began in the middle of the field and would watch the direction the flag nearby was flying to determine the direction I needed to face to get my kite to fly. I was able to get it up in the air fairly easily for short periods before it would come down. I would play with it a bit more trying to get it up in the air and would have to move to keep it up in the air briefly. I noticed I had been forced by the fence and felt uncomfortable so I moved back to the center of the field and started all over again. Each time I began in the center it flew pretty crazy, doing flips and hitting the ground. The wind would gradually force me back towards that fence where I felt uncomfortable, but where it seemed to fly the best. I had to be willing to be obedient and take direction from this invisible force called the wind to make my kite fly more smoothly. I say smoothly, not perfectly. My kite would still come down, but it wasn’t a big crash and I was also able to get it back up again fairly easily.

I think about this invisible force, the wind, and I am able to compare it to an invisible force in my life, God. I am the kite. When I fight this invisible force and try to do things my way, things seem to go haywire and crash. But when I go along with this invisible force, things seem to go more smoothly. Not perfectly, but smoothly. I have my ups, I have my downs, but I don’t seem to crash. I just have to allow that invisible force to lead my direction while I work to follow his lead, rather than head on into the wind trying to do things my way.


Quote from -- 

If we say we want God’s will for our lives, but then don’t obey, what’s the point?

If we truly want Him to transform us into the saints we can be, then we must go where Christ leads us. But how in the world do we do this if we don’t know where He’s leading us?

It starts with being open, listening well, and then saying yes!