Our son dropped by the other night as we were eating Quiznos. My husband had a sandwich and I a salad. Our son stated how good our dinner looked, much better than the pizza he had. Then he proceeded to tell us the frustration he had to go through to get his pizza. 

He decided pizza sounded really good and knew where he wanted to get his pizza. I'm not going to mention the name of that pizza joint because I don't want to leave a negative impression, besides it wasn't there fault. Anyway, he likes to go online to order his pizza, it easier because he is already on the computer doing his homework. 

So his mouth is watering with anticipation as he continues doing his homework and he looks at the time thinking it should be here soon when he gets a call from the delivery driver:

Driver: I'm trying to locate this address?

My Son: We are close to the mall.

Driver: You mean the BX?

Ok, something doesn't sound right with this. We're in Missoula, MT… there's no BX in little old Fort Missoula. So Shane goes back to his computer to check out his order  confirmation to find the address his pizza was being delivered to was in Fort Knox, KY. (It's been a few years since he was in Fort Knox.)

So now Shane has to do all this work to straighten out his mess and get a new pizza delivered to the right address in Missoula. When he finally got his pizza, he had been looking OHHH SO FORWARD TO, it was a big disappointment.

Isn't it funny how we can have our heart set on something and when we get it we find it just wasn't what it was cracked up to be. Sometimes even just the simplest things in life like a pizza

Psalm 30:5 -- "Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes in the morning."

Despite the frustration of Shane's long distance pizza delivery, which did not satisfy his taste buds, we all got a good laugh at his misfortune.

And yes, my son did remove that Fort Knox address from their list of addresses to deliver to. L0l.