Numbers 32:23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.

Now I'm not a big fan of drinking alcohol or drunkenness but this story was funny.

He snuck up the stairs as quietly as he could. He looked in the bathroom mirror and bandaged the couple of bumps and bruises he'd received in a fight earlier that night. He was a little drunk, but nobody had to know. He proceeded to climb into bed, smiling at the thought that he'd pulled one over on his wife. When morning came, he opened his eyes and there stood his wife. "You were drunk last night weren't you!" "What? What do you mean?" He replied. "How could you think such a thing?" "Well, if you weren't drunk, my dear," his wife pointed in the direction of the bathroom, "why are there bruises on your face and a bunch of band-aids on the bathroom mirror?"

Likewise, I think sometimes when we sin, we think we're pulling one over on the Lord. Not so. The Lord sees all and knows all. He knows our every move, even before we make it. And one day, we will have to stand before Him and be held accountable. I don't know about you, but I don't want Him to play back those sins, do you?

We may be fooling a lot of people but we'll never fool the Lord. Let's get right with Him today and strive to stay far away from that sin! There's so much work to be done!