I work in Memory Care. Unfortunately in Memory Care Units people die. That’s a fact of live. Dementia has many unexplained symptoms. One symptom is hallucinations, so they say. Many times I have a resident which seem to talk to people from their past.

We have just celebrated Thanksgiving. I had two of my residents go home to God this Thanksgiving weekend. Thank God for taking them home to join him. 

I have to share with you the events which proceeded the departure of my second resident (we'll call her Marge).The last few days, before her decline, Marge had been calling out to Jesus. Another of my residents (we'll call her Jane), which as the say “HALLUCINATES” told Marge, “Don’t worry, he will be taking you home soon.” I think it was later that same day that Marge began to decline. Friday as I came in to work, I stopped in to visit Marge. I knew it could be the last chance to say Goodbye! Maybe fifteen minutes later, I went looking for Jane and found her in Marge's room, frantically looking for a little boy which she said was in the room. As I tried to help her out of Marge's room, she worried about leaving the little boy stating he would die. I reassured her that everything would be okay. It was only minutes later that Marge departed from this earth to join her heavenly father.

I have to say, I believe there are many demons as well as angels which walk on this earth. After this event I can’t help but have many questions now. Such as;

  • Are hallucinations of people with dementia actually hallucinations or are their angels actually there to support them, encourage them and take their fear? Maybe they are more intune to angels than the rest of us.

  • Was the little boy in the room actually an angel there to escort Marge home? As the other resident stated that the little boy was going to die, I found myself feeling we needed to leave. Many times, people wait to be alone to leave this world. Let the angel take her home…

Luke 4:10 -- “for it is written, “‘He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you,”

Hebrews 1:14 -- “Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?”

So I wonder; Are my residents hallucinating as they talk to family members which are no longer with us, or are those family members present as angels to support their loved one in some of their darkest hours of fear. We can’t be certain of anything... but I do know the peace in Marge's last few days.

There are many "What if's" we question in life… So" WHAT IF…"