When my brother was about 10, he was friends with our neighbor 11. We lived in the country and spent the majority of our time outdoors. We had a little stable with two stalls. It always seemed to become the clubhouse when there weren’t any animals occupying it.

One time when they were playing they found a frog. These two boys were your typical mischievous boys, not much thought about life and death, or consideration for nature and animals. They took the frog and threw it, killing it. Don’t ask me what possessed them to throw it a second time, but they did, and miraculously the frog started hoping again. 

God’s miracle brought it back, but they did not see it that way, THEY MADE IT HAPPEN, THEY BROUGHT IT BACK AFTER TAKING IT’S LIFE AWAY. 

So, like most mischievous boys, they had to try it again. They threw frog and killed it and threw it again and again and again. They could not get it to come back to life again. These two rocket scientists then decided to do an autopsy and determine what killed the frog. (Seriously, I could have told them what killed the frog, THEY DID, BY THROWING IT REPEATEDLY.) They cut the frog open and started looking at its organs, managing to nick the gizzards and white stuff starting oozing out. Both of the boys lost their cookies from the sight. Serves them right... 

I have to say, I am thankful that God took the frog, because that poor frog did not deserve the torture the boys put it through. Who knows how many times the boys would have repeated the process, still not recognizing the miracle they have just witnessed, continuing to try to play God.

God reminds me through this story that “God is God, and we are not.” How many times does God have to teach us this lesson?

We have been studying Daniel recently, and the measures that God took teaching King Nebuchadnezzar this exact same lesson. It took many lessons for Nebuchadnezzar to recognize there were not many Gods, but only one, and before he worshiped and praised the one and only creator.

But again, again as I think about the miracle of the frog, and just miracles in general, “Why is it we don’t recognize the miracles which surround us every day? The miracles of the creations which surround us and the beauty.”

Today let’s just admire the sunshine, the flowers and just all of nature which surrounds us, even the frog and remember where it came from, our God almighty.


Romans 1:20 -- Since earliest times men have seen the earth and sky and all God made, and have known of his existence and great eternal power. So they will have no excuse when they stand before God at Judgment Day.

Jeremiah 32:17 -- “O Lord God! You have made the heavens and earth by your great power; nothing is too hard for you!