Showing Tag: "angels" (Show all posts)

Santa's Prayer On Christmas Eve...

Posted by Warren Jennings (Devotional commentary by Diana Barraugh) on Saturday, December 14, 2019, In : Inspiration 

The sleigh was all packed, the reindeer were fed,

But Santa still knelt by the side of the bed.

"Dear Father," he prayed "Be with me tonight.

There's much work to do and my schedule is tight.

I must jump in my sleigh and streak through the sky,

Knowing full well that a reindeer can't fly.

I will visit each household before the first light,

I'll cover the world and all in one night.

With sleigh bells a-ringing , I'll land on each roof,

Amid the clatter of each little hoof.

To get in the house is the dif...

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Angels among us...

Posted by Diana S. Barraugh ( original) on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, In : Inspiration 

I work in Memory Care. Unfortunately in Memory Care Units people die. That’s a fact of live. Dementia has many unexplained symptoms. One symptom is hallucinations, so they say. Many times I have a resident which seem to talk to people from their past.

We have just celebrated Thanksgiving. I had two of my residents go home to God this Thanksgiving weekend. Thank God for taking them home to join him. 

I have to share with you the events which proceeded the departure of my second resident (we'll...

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God created so many incredible things for us to stand in awe of...

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